Part 4 12 August 2006 |
Update August 2008
Sam Danner admitted to me a few months ago that he didn't see the plane hit the Pentagon, and that he arrived at the Pentagon a few hours after the crash. He has also been making lots of contradictory remarks to me and other people by e-mail, and on message boards.
Regardless of why Sam Danner lied to us, the lesson to learn from this and other deception regarding 9/11 is that when a crime is enormous, we should expect the criminals to go to tremendous lengths to confuse us. If you help us find people who are tired of the wars, deception, false flag operations, and other crimes, we can put an end to the Zionist crime network and other organized crime gangs, so help spread the information and warn people about the deception. The information below is the original article from 2006, and it should continue be useful to you if you are new to the issue of deception. |
On Friday, 11 April 2006, WingTV talked with Russell Pickering to put the Sam Danner issue to rest. They also provided their interview with Sam Danner. |
Part 1: the first interview with Sam Danner on June 29, 2006 Part 2: the fight between Sam Danner and Matthew Danner Part 3: messages from Russell Pickering (not of much value) Part 4: this article. |
Let's consider both possibilities
In this scenario, Sam was telling the truth as he remembers it. However, some of his facts and figures may have become mixed up due to the passage of 5 years, and his recent chemotherapy. Consider the dilemma this puts us in. Russell Pickering and WingTV are putting a lot of effort into exposing Sam Danner as a liar, and into criticizing me for not figuring out that Danner is a liar. Compare their attitude towards Sam Danner to their attitude towards
the death of Michael Zebuhr. I think Zebuhr's death is suspicious,
and that it deserves an investigation:
However, most of the 9/11 truth seekers believe the murder was just a boring, routine act of violence of no importance. In fact, I was severely criticized by WingTV on March 29, 2006. You
can hear us argue about this issue here:
Think about this: • WingTV does not want Michael Zebuhr's murder to be investigated, but they do want Danner to be investigated for possibly lying about seeing an aircraft hit the Pentagon.The behavior of WingTV makes sense if WingTV is working with the criminal network. Specifically, if Zebuhr was killed by the crime network, then of course that network would try to convince us that there is no reason to investigate it. However, they would want us to investigate Sam Danner regardless of whether Danner is honest or a liar! If that confuses you, here is a summary: • If Danner is honest, then he is helping to expose the crime; he identifed one of the members (Erkstein or Eckstein); and he may inspire other witnesses to come forward. The crime network would want to stop Danner immediately, and they would want to intimidate other witnesses by letting them watch Danner get attacked.Furthermore, if Russell Pickering is working for the same group of criminals as the producers of Loose Change, that would explain why Pickering praised the Loose Change Pentagon forum: PickeringMemberOfLooseChangeForum.mp3 24 kb The attack on Danner and me is out of proportion Russell Pickering and WingTV have provided a lot of interviews and articles that are extremely critical of Sam Danner and myself. The entire world has some very serious problems to deal with, such as Zionism and uranium contamination. Sam Danner is not one of our important problems. However, if Russell Pickering and WingTV are part of the crime network, then they would be looking for a way to convince people to follow the criminals instead of people such as me. The criminals are probably searching for some mistake I've made so that they can hold my mistake up and announce to the world: When Daryl Smith and Christopher Bollyn heard about Sam Danner, both of them called me on the phone and calmly discussed the issue of whether we can trust Sam Danner. They did not go on a tirade that Sam Danner is definitely a liar, and that I am a terrible researcher for not exposing Danner."Hey everybody! Look what we found! Hufschmid just made a mistake! He is a sloppy researcher! You cannot trust him! Ignore everything he says and come over to us! We are the source of truth!" Discrepancies don't prove Danner lied Russell Pickering lists lots of discrepancies in Sam's testimony. The problem is that every witness to every event has discrepancies, especially after five years. Russell Pickering claims to be a great researcher, but he seems to be merely looking for reasons to condemn Sam Danner. Discrepancies in testimony do not prove the witness is lying. Instead, discrepancies only prove that: The attack of me is extreme• The human memory is inaccurate; our memory is not a video recorder. Both Russell Pickering and WingTV did more than complain that Sam Danner is a liar. They also tried to convince the audience that I am a terrible researcher. Here is an excerpt of that section of the interview. My description
of the excerpt follows.
The excerpt starts with Lisa complaining that she has watched the quality of my work "just plunge through the toilet". What a wonderful image that brings up! Thanks, Lisa! I have to wonder what Lisa would say about me if I had interviewed Bill
Schnoebelen instead of Sam Danner. Schnoebelen is an ex-vampire:
Victor and Lisa also recommend the ex-vampire's 9-DVD set: "It's absolutely riveting... It's amazing...It's mind blowing. You'll sit there and you won't take your eyes off this video... It also has a very enlightening or fulfilling, empowering message. !!!"
Let's assume Lisa is correct that the quality of my work has been decreasing. What would be responsible for this decrease?
Apparently Smith is a bad influence; one of those bad kids in the neighborhood who leads the good kids into smoking. Lisa then goes on to say she has a sense that I'm trying to discredit Christopher Bollyn by feeding him bad information. As I was listening to Lisa, my first reaction was to write an email to complain about her reckless, unfounded, baseless, irresponsible, and speculative accusations, but before I could click my mouse button Victor explained that it is me who has lately been full of speculation, innuendo, and accusations, and that my articles are reckless, unfounded, baseless, and irresponsible to the max. Well, Victor certainly set me straight in regards to who is the reckless jerk! Thanks, Victor! Next Victor and Lisa praised Russell Pickering for being a wonderful Pentagon researcher. My goodness! All this time I thought Pickering was pumping out deception. Victor set me straight, once again. Then Victor and Lisa explained how I "back off" and "unravel" on live interviews. Victor said I have a "very pronounced passive aggressive technique". Are those insults, or compliments? Then Lisa said that I act like I'm being attacked. Well, what should I do? Act as if I am being praised? Then they reach their climax. Victor said they can understand why John
Stadtmiller wants to knock my teeth down my throat; why Matthew Danner
wants to knock my block off, and why Lisa wants to slap me in my face!
Wow! I am a terrible person, and I am hurting the 9/11 "movement"!
Conclusion It is obvious that Sam Danner has lied about something, but I have no idea which of his testimony is honest and which is a lie. However, I am certain that those voicemail messages were edited. If Danner is part of the criminal network, they would not need to edit his messages since he could record real messages. They would only need to edit his messages if he was either telling the truth, or if he lied due to mental disorders. It is possible that Sam Danner is insane, and whatever medication he is on is making his mental problems even worse. It is possible that he is pretending to be a witness so he can get attention or women. His son may be so embarrassed that he is willing to create voice messages to pressure his father into remaining quiet. Danner is a supporter of Israel, so it is possible that the criminal network is using him in a psy-op. However, there is no sense in discussing whether Sam is lying. Until more witnesses come forward, we will never resolve the issue, so all discussions on this issue are a waste of our time. I think a more important discussion is: What are the motives of Russell Pickering and WingTV? Russell Pickering's web site:
Mark Bilk is currently taking care of Pickering's web site, and he maintains
the web site for Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone:
Christopher Bollyn took a look at the Bilk family. Mark's grandmother, Mary Cohen, was born in Russia. When the family arrived in the US, they told the customs officials that their language was "Hebrew". Bollyn points out that most of the people in that era who were speaking Hebrew were part of the Zionist movement. Speaking Hebrew doesn't prove that Mark Bilk or his family is part of the criminal network, but there are an amazing number of Ashkenazis pretending to be 9/11 researchers. Almost all of the Ashkenazis deflect attention away from Zionists and onto George Bush or the ever popular "Globalists". Daryl Smith believes that Victor Thorn's real last name, Makufka, is evidence that he is Ashkenazi. Would Makufka please provide information on his family -- and Lisa's family -- so we can check out his claim that he is not Ashkenazi? Almost all of the Ashkenazi "researchers" of 9/11 are Holocaust Promoters
and Zionist Deniers. They are also Anti-Goyim. Unfortunately,
we don't have the equivalent of the Goyim Defense League to stand
up to their hate speech, their racism, and their Anti-Goyism.
Why would WingTV expose Israel's role in 9/11? The Zionists are determined to remain in control of our world. One of the techniques they use to lure people to their web sites is to provide some of the same information that we provide. Most people don't notice that they are not saying anything new or original, or that they are not even saying as much as we say. For example, WingTV recently printed a small book about Israel's involvement
in 9/11. This type of information has been available for years.
Two examples:
By offering a book that contains some of the same information that we provide, they can fool some people into thinking that they are researchers who are exposing Israel's involvement. Take a look at the information from WingTV. Is WingTV really exposing Israel's involvement in 9/11? Or does it seem as if the criminal network told them to take attention away from those of us they have no control over? Wouldn't that explain WingTV's attempt to convince you that I have become reckless and irresponsible to the max? If you cannot figure out who among us can be trusted, you may end up following one of the criminals. We need people who can differentiate between true researchers and the criminals who are trying to get control of the investigation. Have you seen Rense.com? Occasionally you will find an article by Christopher Bollyn posted on that site. I assumed that Bollyn posted those articles, so one day I decided to ask Bollyn why he posts on Rense. Bollyn told me that he has never posted anything on that site. If fact, he did not even know his articles were on that site. Look at all the Bollyn articles at Rense:
If Rense is part of the criminal network, why would they post so many of Bollyn's articles? Posting these articles serves several purposes: • The regular readers of Rense will find lots of articles from lots of people. They will assume that Rense provides them with everything they need so that they don't have to bother looking at any other site.
We could drive these criminals out of business without a single shot being fired. All we have to do is stop supporting them! Don't go to their web sites, don't buy their videos, don't subscribe to their newspapers or magazines, and don't go to their Hollywood movies. Bollyn wrote three articles about 9/11 in May 2006. Apparently his employer, the American Free Press, did not publish them! Bollyn has complained about this, so they might run them eventually. Here they are: • Bollyn-9-11-Who-Controls-The-Media.html • Bollyn-9-11-Controlling-the-Message.html • Bollyn-TheHollywoodFantasyofFlight93.html
The American Free Press boasts about being our last source of uncensored news, but they do censor information. They may be more honest than the New York Times, but that is not saying much. Think about this: the people at the American Free Press are censoring some of Bollyn's articles, which means they don't have the ability to stand up to this criminal network. If they cannot stand up to this network, how can an individual like Sam Danner stand up to it? The American people are easily bribed, deceived, frightened, and blackmailed.
If we don't find more people with some courage, and more people who can
see through the deception, we are doomed. So please, help us find those
people, and warn them about the deception.
Most "truth seekers" are liars! Most 9/11 investigators and most of the people in the media, whether it is the conventional media, or alternative media, are part of the Zionist criminal network. Just take a look at anybody in the media and follow his connections to other people. There are already articles about Alex Jones, such as:
So I will give you another example. Take a look at the writers at the
Free Press:
He pretends to be a patriotic American. However,he constantly puts out
frightening messages that we are about to be attacked by terrorists. Some
of the writers are listed here:
Lee Kaplan writes for the Canada Free Press, and he also writes for Hagmann's homelandsecurity.com, as well as Frontpagemag.com. Kaplan is the founder of DAFKA, a Zionist organization whose main target is colleges. Doug Hagmann also works with Steve Quayle
to provide us with frightening stories of upcoming terrorist attacks.
Steve Quayle also provides idiotic
theories, such as giant species of humans up to 36 feet tall:
Steve Quayle should remind you of Jeff Rense, who also mixes some serious information with lots of nonsense. By following the people within these Zionist groups, you can identify more Zionist groups, and that leads you to more Zionists. For another example, take a look at antiwar.com
This site was created by Eric Garris and Justin Raimondo
in 1995. Take a look at those two people. Here is the Zionist view of them:
Follow them to lead you to more Zionist groups and agents. Take a look
at LewRockwell.com:
And the Ludwig von Mises Institute:
Morgan Reynolds and Paul Craig Roberts are two of the people in the Ludwig von Mises Institute. Morgan Reynolds has been hinting that the "blue screen theory" makes sense, and Paul Craig Roberts routinely tries to imply that President Bush is responsible for all the world's problems. Trying to follow all of the associations quickly becomes overwhelming for a single individual. However, you should be able to realize that you can identify nests of criminals in this manner. To summarize, take a look at the information at these sites: • antiwar.com
All of these sites are deceptive.
They appear to be against the war, or for some noble cause, but they only
articles that keep you ignorant about Zionism. They also deflect attention
to George Bush, Neocons, Globalists, or Illuminati.
You can use this techniques with almost anybody. Take a look at the people who write for WorldNetDaily, or look at the guests who get favorable treatment by Coast-To-Coast radio, or the hosts and guests on the Air America radio show. Follow the connections between all of these people and you can identify
criminal nests.
The criminal network is not an amoebae Many people seem to think that the criminal network is a highly unified group of people that blindly follow one leader. Many people find it difficult to understand why there appears to be a difference between George Soros, Al Franken, Joe Lieberman, and Paul Wolfowitz. Look at the crime gangs of the early 20th century. Criminals within a gang do not have the exact same opinions. Furthermore, they frequently fight with one another for control of the group. They sometimes turn one another into the police, and sometimes they kill one another. Do you really think the criminal network that did 9/11 is much better behaved than the gangs of Al Capone's era? There is a very good chance that some of the members of the 9/11 gang will turn one another in to the police, kill one another, and double-cross one another, The criminal network that did 9/11 certainly has at least thousands of members, and probably thousands more when you count all their blackmailed Useful Idiots. We should assume that some of the members will double-cross each other, fight for control of the group, and even kill each other. So don't be confused when you find one group of them, such as the people at antiwar.com, criticizing some other group, such as WorldNetDaily. Some of these fights may be staged, but some of them may be real fights among the criminals as they fight each other for control of the horde of stupid sheeple. |