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Who is afraid of Artificial Intelligence?
And why?

  An explanation of this image
that I posted on Twitter here.

  7 April 2023

I'm afraid of AI.”

In March 2023, this was one of many news reports about Elon Musk and other "prominent" computer scientists and other "tech industry notables" endorsing this document from the Future of Life Institute.

The document advocates a 6 month pause in the development of artificial intelligence so that "we" can "consider the risks", and if the AI businesses refuse, the government should stop them.

What are the risks of AI?

The document claims that the AI software "can pose profound risks to society and humanity” by (1) creating disinformation, and (2) eliminating some jobs.

Two other concerns are that the AI businesses are (3) "locked in an out-of-control race" to improve software that (4) "no one – not even their creators – can understand, predict, or reliably control."

Be suspicious of secretive heroes

Elon Musk endorsed that document, but who wrote it? And who is the "we" that will consider the risks and make the decisions about what to do about AI?

It is dangerous to follow secretive people. A person who is truly talented will be proud of himself, and we will be impressed with his achievements. He will not be ashamed of himself, or have any reason to hide from us. This is true regardless of whether his talent is in athletics, music, chemistry, carpentry, farming, or AI software.

Although people often need to be secretive while they investigate a crime, the "experts" who claim to be providing us with intelligent analyses or advice need secrecy only if they are trying to manipulate, deceive, exploit, and abuse us.

Be suspicious of endorsements

One method of increasing the popularity of something is to provide an intelligent explanation of how it is beneficial. Unfortunately, the majority of people don't have much of an interest in thinking.

One of the parody beauty ads created by Anna Avery
Therefore, the most common method is to use emotional stimulation, such as advertisements, brochures, and videos that titillate us with unrealistic promises, or with images of babies, sexually attractive people, or people enjoying the product.

Another method is "celebrity branding", in which a famous person endorses the item. This method is so popular that there are businesses, such as The CShop, that help organizations arrange for celebrity endorsements.

A variation of celebrity branding is to deceive people into believing that a celebrity created the item, or is a top official in the organization that created the item (an example is Kylie Krisprs).

There are more than 1,500,000 nonprofit organizations in the USA, and many of them convince wealthy and famous people to donate money to them or provide them with credibility.

If the celebrities were truly providing us with intelligent advice, then their endorsements would be beneficial, but if they are pushed or paid to endorse a product that they don't know much about, then they are analogous to a worm on a fishing hook. Is the Future of Life Institute using Elon Musk as "fishing bait"?

The advertisements that are designed for scientists contain a lot of intelligent information, but the advertisements designed for the typical person are emotional titillation. The advertisements for children are even less intelligent.

Therefore, when a group of "prominent scientists" and other "experts" use emotional titillation to promote complex concepts that most people are ignorant about, we ought to wonder why they are promoting such ideas to the public, who don't understand the issue, rather than to other "prominent scientists" and "experts" who would be able to understand their brilliant ideas.

This should be considered as evidence that they don't have anything intelligent to say, so they are trying to get the support of the public. This could be described as "scraping the bottom of the barrel" for support.

They are fearmongers, not leaders

The secretive people who wrote that document don't provide an explanation for how AI software can harm us, or how pausing the development of the software will help us.

We don't learn anything about AI software from their document because they are not providing an intelligent analysis of the issue. Instead, they have adjectives and phrases that are intended to stimulate our emotion of fear.

My conclusion is that they are not trying to help us to understand the risks of AI software. Rather, they are trying to manipulate the public with fear into allowing them to get control of the software. That will allow them to modify the software to give them the results they want, while fooling us into believing that the modifications are protecting us.

To understand my accusation, here is my analysis of their four concerns mentioned above.

1) Can AI software create disinformation?

Software cannot create information

The AI software cannot conduct research and develop new ideas, as a human scientist can do. Perhaps it will be able to conduct certain types of research in the distant future, but as of 2023 the AI software is getting all of its information from the Internet.

Unfortunately, the Internet is full of propaganda from businesses trying to sell products, and criminals trying to cover up their crimes. As a result, the AI software provides us with a lot of propaganda about products and history.

One of the organizations that is concerned about ChatGPT is NewsGuard, and they claim that ChatGPT has created propaganda in the style of "Russian state media" or "China’s authoritarian government". A more realistic description of what ChatGPT did is that it found some of the propaganda created by the Zionist Jews.

The AI software does not create information or disinformation. It is simply a tool to help us search through the information and disinformation on the Internet.

I used one of the free AI image programs (canva) to create the image above with the prompt "A man using a shovel to search through the trash at a city dump". Then I added the text. What are the risks to this type of AI software?
Using AI to search through the Internet is analogous to using a shovel to search through the trash at a city dump.

Even a child has enough intelligence to realize that a shovel cannot create trash. Rather, it makes it easier for us to search through the trash.

Are the "experts" who complain that the AI software is producing disinformation truly so stupid or ignorant that they don't understand that the software is simply providing us with the information and disinformation that people have posted on the Internet? I don't think so.

We should learn from the “experts”

A person who is an "expert", a "prominent scientist", or a "tech industry notable" should know more than the ordinary person about his field of expertise. We should learn something of value from the experts.

We should resist the craving to become submissive to "experts" and pass judgment on their leadership abilities. For example:

If an expert knows less than an ordinary person, then he is either too ignorant to be an expert, or he is faking ignorance in order to deceive us.

If an expert is only capable of frightening us, then he is a fearmonger, and we should consider that he is trying to deceive us.

If an expert is only capable of titillating us with praise, sexual material, trophies, jokes, puppies, or babies, then he should be regarded as a "pornographer", and we should consider that he is trying to trick us into trusting him so that he can deceive or exploit us.

Technology is not good or bad

Whether AI software is useful or harmful depends on how we use it. This concept is more easily understood with other types of technology, such as guns, knives, poisons, insulin, heroin, and fentanyl. None of those items can harm us by themselves. Furthermore, they are not inherently dangerous. Whether they are beneficial or dangerous depends upon how we use them.

Our technology can be used for either destructive purposes or beneficial purposes. It is the people that determine whether technology is harmful or beneficial, not the technology.

For example, a telephone can be beneficial technology, but it can also be used by telemarketers and other criminals to exploit, manipulate, and deceive us. Likewise, knives can be beneficial technology, or they can be used to murder people, or be used by people to harm themselves.

“Nearly 25% of teenage girls have intentionally injured themselves, but only 10% of boys. They often use knives!

Knives are also being used to murder people!

The knife businesses are locked in an out-of-control race to improve this sexist and risky technology that nobody can control!

Incidentally, the photo above came from this video that YouTube has since removed "for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines". A free enterprise system allows businesses to decide which products they want to offer, so YouTube has the right to remove the videos they disapprove of.

However, free enterprise doesn't function properly in our era because there is no real competition to YouTube, Microsoft, Apple, Google, and other gigantic companies. Therefore, allowing businesses to censor information is giving them the ability to control the information that we have access to, thereby manipulating our opinions.

That would be acceptable only if the businesses were providing appropriate leadership.

We must be concerned with people, not technology

Computer software is beneficial or destructive depending upon the person who uses it. We can also use alcohol, morphine, drones, and guns in beneficial or destructive manners.

We need to be concerned with what people are doing with technology, not be afraid of the technology.

Unfortunately, every culture has evolved to please the majority of people, and this results in every culture resisting the concept that people are responsible for their bad behavior. For example, when somebody abuses alcohol, heroin, insulin, steroids, or OxyContin, almost everybody avoids blaming the person and instead blames something else, such as advertisements, the drug dealers, or the nations that produce the drug.

As a result of that idiotic attitude, most people believe that they can protect people from drug abuse by making some drugs illegal and others by prescription only, and by punishing the people and nations who produce or sell drugs. In reality, drugs are abused only by the people who either choose to abuse them, or don't have the mental ability or knowledge to use them properly.

Children do not have the mental ability or knowledge to handle a lot of modern technology, so children must be protected from a lot of items, but if every adult had an appropriate mind and education, there would be no drug abuse.

Likewise, if a society consisted of higher quality people, nobody would be interested in using telephone technology to run telemarketing scams, or using knives or guns to murder people.

AI can help us find the truth

The criminals who are working at YouTube, Facebook, the FBI, Google, the ADL, the SPLC, the media companies, the Wikipedia, and other organizations are promoting propaganda and suppressing honest information and people. The AI software makes it easier for us to find the truth. However, when the AI software provides us with the truth, those criminals whine that the AI software is providing disinformation.

If the public has access to honest AI software, it will be easier for us to identify the criminals and their propaganda. Therefore, the people who want to exploit us want to have control of the AI software so that they can give us a modified version that promotes their propaganda and hides the truth.

AI software is a tool, just like a hammer or a knife, and a tool can be used by honest people for beneficial purposes, or it can be used by criminals to kill, manipulate, deceive, or exploit us.

We don't have to be afraid of AI software. Rather, we have to be concerned about the people that we are living with.

Resist the urge to be a frightened child

Humans and animals are easily frightened, but when an organization provides us with some frightening information, we should push ourselves into remaining calm and passing judgment on whether they are educating us about something, or whether they are criminals who are trying to manipulate us with fear. Consider how many times criminals have tried to frighten us into opposing technology that we benefit from. For three examples:

When caller ID technology was first developed, a lot of people tried to frighten us into believing that it should be forbidden because it was an invasion of our privacy.

When security cameras became popular, a lot of people tried to frighten us into believing that the cameras were invading our privacy.

When it became possible to identify a criminal by his DNA, a lot of people began trying to frighten us into believing that the police are invading our privacy by asking for DNA samples. There are also people trying to frighten us into believing that the companies that provide DNA analyses are violating our privacy if they give our DNA data to police agencies.

Incidentally, the government officials allowed caller ID and security cameras because the officials don't fear that technology, but they are still making it difficult for the police to get DNA samples. I suspect it is because many government officials are trying to protect themselves and/or other criminals, not because they are truly concerned that DNA samples are invading our privacy.

A lot of people boast about their bravery and courage, but most people are very easily manipulated with frightening information. For example, YouTube, the ADL, Facebook, the SPLC, and other organizations have fooled most people into believing that censorship will protect us from false information, crazy conspiracy theories, sexism, Nazis, racism, hate speech, anti-Semitism, and homophobia.

Perhaps the best example of how easily people are frightened is that a small group of Jews have frightened millions of people into believing that the "Holocaust deniers" are providing false information that is so dangerous that nobody should look at it. This has allowed the Jews to fool many nations into passing laws that prohibit "Holocaust Denial".

“To protect the public, the Holocaust Deniers must be arrested!

Whoever hears their lies will
turn to stone!”

Criminals have had so much success in manipulating people with fear that they are now trying to frighten us about AI software. They claim to be our heroes who will protect us from its "profound risks to society and humanity". They will also protect us from the neurotic software developers who are "locked in an out-of-control race" to create software that nobody "can understand, predict, or reliably control."

“Please protect me from the profound risks of AI!”
We have to expect children to be easily frightened, and we can't expect women to show much courage, but adult men should not be frightened by software, robots, knives, or other technology.

Adult men should also not be afraid that drug dealers will make them become drug addicts; that gambling casinos will make them gamble; or that food markets will make them become obese.

The truth does not need protection!

Since children mimic people without understanding what they are doing, they need to be protected from certain types of "bad" information, such as the Internet challenges, but an adult man should not need protection from false information, a difference of opinions, constructive criticism, conspiracy theories, speculations, or wild guesses.

Furthermore, an "expert" should realize that we don't need to protect the truth by censoring false information or crazy conspiracy theories. Therefore, the experts should not have any fear of Holocaust Deniers, or the "crazy conspiracy theory" that Israel blew up the World Trade Center towers.

None of the problems we suffer from are due to "technology". Rather, all of our problems are due to people, such as the people who use technology to deceive, murder, or exploit; the voters who cannot make wise decisions about their leadership; and the people who can look critically only at other people and other cultures.

2) Will AI software eliminate jobs?

Technology will always eliminate jobs

Everybody today should have enough of an understanding of history to realize that technology has been putting people out of work for centuries. For example, a lot of our ancestors lost their jobs as a result of refrigerators.

Technology eliminates certain jobs and creates new jobs, but technology cannot hurt us. Anybody who tries to frighten us into believing that some new technology will destroy our society is either ignorant, suffering from a mental disorder, or a criminal who is trying to manipulate us with fear.

Some people will become unemployable

Technology eliminates the jobs that most of us regard as undesirable or monotonous, and it creates jobs that require higher levels of education, and greater physical and mental abilities. The only people who become unemployable as a result of technology are the people who are:

1) Unable to do any of the jobs because they are too mentally or physically defective.

Unwilling to do any of the jobs that they are capable of doing because they believe they are too important or talented to do a "menial" job.

Able and willing to work, but have such limited abilities that there are not enough simplistic jobs for all of the people in this category.

What should we do about the unemployable people?

Most governments deal with unemployment by providing welfare programs, and by creating worthless jobs in the government for them. The free enterprise system allows the unemployable people to get involved with worthless or destructive activities, such as religion, social science, telemarketing, email scams, think tanks, Zionist organizations, astrology predictions, beauty contests for babies, dangerous sports contests, and palm reading.

None of those reactions are "solutions" to the problem of unemployment. As a result, the number of unemployable people increases every year.

The welfare programs are not even effective at eliminating homelessness. The homeless population in the USA has decreased since 2007, but there were more than half a million homeless people in 2022.
(Click "2022 AHAR Report: Part 1 - PIT Estimates of Homelessness" on this page.)

The only solution to unemployment and homelessness is to restrict reproduction to the people who have the mental and physical abilities to contribute to a modern society so that every generation has fewer unemployable people.

3) What is “locked in an out-of-control race”?

Distinguish between emotional stimulation and intelligence

Some documents are intended to provide us with intelligent information, such as a school book about math, but other documents are intended to stimulate emotions, such as most advertisements.

The document that requests a pause in the development of AI software has a lot of remarks that stimulate emotions rather than provide intelligent information. An example is their accusation that businesses are "locked in an out of control race".

If they provided a sensible explanation for what they mean by that, then it would be useful, but without an explanation, it is just fearmongering because it creates unpleasant images in our mind, such as a group of neurotic computer programmers who have no self-control, or an electric motor that is spinning so fast that it might soon explode.

Without an explanation, that phrase is so vague that we could apply it to a lot of people. For example:

Almost every business and sports group could be described as being "locked in an out of control race" to sell products or win a sports contest.

We could claim that millions of men are "locked in an out of control race" to become wealthy or famous.

We could also describe a lot of students as being "locked in an out-of-control race" to get into Harvard, Oxford, or other colleges.

Humans and animals enjoy competition, and we could describe some people as becoming so obsessed with winning a competition that they hurt themselves or their family members, but the people who are claiming that the AI businesses are "out of control" are not providing any supporting evidence for that accusation.

Therefore, they are making a false accusation, similar to accusing a business of racism, sexism, or anti-Semitism.

I used the Bing image creator to create the above image with the prompt "futuristic scene of a group of crazy, diabolical computer programmers". Then I added the text. I did not notice any risks with that AI software.
We must stop tolerating nonsensical accusations.

The accusation that the AI businesses are "out of control" is intended to create unpleasant images in our mind in order to stimulate our emotion of fear.

It is an attempt to trick us into believing that the people in the AI businesses are so neurotic, and have so little self-control, that they are going to destroy society.

4) Can we control AI software?

We have control of everything that we created so far

The claim that no one can understand, predict, or control the AI software is another remark that has no supporting evidence. The human race has created a lot of software and other technology, and there is no evidence yet that we have created something that we could not understand or control.

We only have a partial understanding of things

To complicate the issue, nobody fully understands anything. For example, scientists are still learning about water. And despite what some experts claim, nobody knows how the universe came into existence, or what was here before the universe existed. We could describe every person as being analogous to a blind man touching an elephant.

Engineers have been designing lightbulbs, lasers, electric motors, and batteries for decades or over a century, but nobody fully understands light, magnetism, chemical reactions, electrons, or electricity. We are still learning about all of those things.

However, a partial understanding of something is enough to use it, control it, and benefit from it.

Computers can do certain things better than humans

The AI software can to do things that humans cannot do, and much faster. For example, AI software can find subtle details in photos, sounds, and other data that our ears, eyes, and brain cannot detect.

However, that software is not doing anything that is beyond our understanding or control. It is merely doing what we told it to do, which is analyze some information. The software is simply a tool to help us with our analysis. A computer has different abilities than a human mind, and that allows computers to do things that we cannot do.

When engineers develop chemical sensors that can identify chemicals in the atmosphere, then AI software will be able to provide us with information about the odors and chemicals in the air better than humans, and better than a dog.

The AI software is mimicking humans

When we ask the AI software for information, all it does is create a collage of the information that humans created, similar to the collage made from old newspapers in the image to the right.

This is exactly what humans do. Specifically, not long after we are born we begin accumulating bits and pieces of information from other people, thereby creating a "collage of information" in our mind.

The end result is that each of us believes that we have the most brilliant opinions about religion, raising children, drugs, politics, and abortion but, in reality, most of "our" brilliant opinions are just bits and pieces of other people's opinions.

The small percentage of the population that put time and effort into creating original opinions have created only a few original opinions. Most of what each of us knows is the result of mimicking other people.

When we ask the AI software for information, it looks at the information it picked up from humans and puts bits and pieces together into a document for us. It is behaving like a human who mimics other people. This is why it can only give us answers to questions that some human has already answered. It cannot give us sensible answers to questions that we have not already answered, such as:

Can a child become nearsighted by reading books or computer monitors that are too close to his face? If so, how close is "too close", and how many hours a day would he have to do it?

Which animal or vegetable fats should we eat to maintain the optimum health?

If sitting motionless in an airplane for many hours can result in blood clots, can blood clots form if we remain motionless while sleeping? Is this one of the reasons that we move around while we sleep?

AI software is actually “stupid”

The AI software can do better on school tests than the majority of people, but that is because our schools emphasize memorizing information, not analyzing information or creating new knowledge. Since computers have perfect memories, they will always do better than humans on memorization tests.

Computers can also do math more accurately, so they will outperform humans on many types of math tests. The AI software can also create pictures better and faster than most of us, and some recent AI software can create music better than most of us.

It requires a talent to memorize information, perform math, and create art and music, but it doesn't require much "intelligence", which is why computers and retarded people, (savants), can outperform most of us in those tasks. The AI software is more similar to a savant than an intelligent human.

The AI software can also create computer software better than most people, but it cannot create software to allow a robot to walk, use fingers, and talk. It is also incapable of improving itself, so humans must create the next, improved version of it.

Future generations might have to worry about AI software

If the AI software was capable of producing the next version of itself, then we could justify being concerned about what it is going to do. Or if it had the ability to create the software to control a robot, we could justify being concerned about it.

However, that type of AI software is still science fiction. It is possible that humans will be generating electricity from fusion reactors before they have AI software that is intelligent enough to improve itself and control robots.

AI software rivals the abilities of many VIPs

The AI software cannot match the intellectual abilities of a scientist, but it is capable of creating documents that are indistinguishable from those created by many of the "experts" who are trying to determine our future.

For example, Jordan Peterson, who is both impressed and concerned about AI software, describes two of his requests for ChatGTP:

I said write me an essay that's a thirteenth rule for Beyond Order, written in a style that combines the King James Bible with the Dao De Jing. That's a pretty difficult... that's pretty difficult to pull off, you know. Any one of those things is hard. The intersection of all three, that's impossible.

Well, it wrote it in about 3 seconds, 4 pages long, and it isn't obvious to me, for better or worse, that I would be able to tell that I didn't write it.
I also had it write an essay on the intersection between the Daoist version of ethical morality and the ethics that are outlined in the Sermon on the Mount, which it just nailed. <unintelligible> it right. Brilliant!

If you don't want to waste your time with this video of segments of Peterson's lectures, but want to listen to his remarks, here is the excerpt in which he makes those remarks.
Jordan-Peterson-using-chatGPT.mp3   200 kb

I am not surprised that ChatGPT can produce analyses that are indistinguishable from those created by Jordan Peterson because the SCIgen software has been able to produce documents that are indistinguishable from those produced by government officials, religious leaders, think tank experts, philosophers, feminists, and social scientists since 2005.

Jordan Peterson was impressed by ChatGTP's intelligence, but it would be more accurate to describe the situation as Jordan Peterson's intellectual abilities being so defective that a computer can produce documents that are as idiotic, vague, and confusing as his.

Only criminals need to fear AI
AI can be used as a tool in crime investigations

Only certain people and organizations are promoting a fear of AI, and I suspect that an investigation of those people would show us that most of them are pedophiles, Zionist Jews, dishonest business executives, and other criminals, lunatics, and weirdos who are concerned that the artificial intelligence software will make it easy for us to expose their incompetence, corruption, and crimes.

The Internet freed us from being dependent upon a few media businesses for information about the world.

It allows us to have access to virtually all of the information that the human race has acquired.

It allows us to communicate with people around the world.

It allows us to expose a lot of the crime, propaganda, corruption, and censorship of the governments, Zionist organizations, think tanks, charities, religions, and media companies.

The Internet has made life difficult for criminals and incompetent people, and now the AI software is making their lives even worse.

The AI software is a tool that we can use to search through the enormous amount of information on the Internet, and that makes it easier for us to notice crimes, propaganda, deception, and corruption.

I suspect that most people who want to stop the development of AI software are frightened that it will soon become so advanced that it will be capable of identifying even the most complex propaganda, deception, and lies. For example, the next version of ChatGPT might be able to do the following analyses:

1) What is the correct answer to this science challenge about the moon landing?

Draw a graph of the worldwide Jewish population from 1930 to 1950, and identify the years during which their population decreased by 6 million.

What evidence is there for the accusations of Jesse Czebotar, Vicky Polin, David Shurter, and Jenny Guskin that many of our leaders are involved with pedophilia, murder rituals, and human trafficking?

The Internet, cell phones, security cameras, DNA analyses, fingerprint technology, facial recognition software, and other technology has made it difficult to get away with certain types of crimes, and AI software will make certain crimes even more difficult. The AI software can be beneficial to honest people, but frightening to the criminals.

Is any of the AI software honest?

China, Microsoft, Google, and other companies and nations are developing AI software, and we should consider the possibility that all of them are biasing their version of the software to enable them to observe and manipulate us.

For many years they have been keeping track of what we search the Internet for, and which websites we visit. They have also been censoring a lot of information and promoting a lot of propaganda. We should consider that they will use their AI software to continue doing what they have been doing.

Why would criminals complain about AI software?

If different crime networks are planning to use AI software to manipulate us, then all of the crime networks would be worried about what their rivals are doing. For example, China might allow their AI software to expose Jewish crimes, and the crime networks that oppose human trafficking might allow their AI software to expose that activity.

That fear would cause criminals to want to either stop the AI software, or fool people into letting them have control of all of it. Therefore, some of the people who are trying to frighten us about AI software may be criminals who are worried about what their rivals will do with the software.

We need higher-quality people

The AI software is no more dangerous than a knife, bulldozer, or refrigerator. It is just another tool that we can benefit from. It will be harmful to us only if we foolishly allow criminals to use it to harm us.

As of 2023, the AI software is providing us with a lot of false information, lies, and propaganda, but that is because we have allowed Zionist Jews, pedophile networks, and other criminals, to post enormous amounts of false information on the Internet, and we have allowed them to censor a lot of honest information.

We don't need to pause the development of AI software. Instead, we need to start raising standards for people, especially those in leadership positions. Instead of becoming frightened of software, we should investigate the people who are trying to make us afraid of it.

Fearmongers are wasting our lives

Some people are so frightened of AI that I wonder if they are being sarcastic. For example, Time magazine published this document in which Eliezer Yudkowsky, of the Machine Intelligence Research Institute, requests that we shut down all AI development. He warns us that if we continue "building a superhumanly smart AI", then "literally everyone on Earth will die".

To prevent such a disaster, he wrote that if a business refuses to stop AI development, we should "be willing to destroy a rogue datacenter by airstrike." If a nation refuses, he advocates that we be "willing to run some risk of nuclear exchange if that’s what it takes to reduce the risk of large AI training runs."

That document, and the others produced by people who are frightened of AI software, are so idiotic and deceptive that I cannot put much effort into reading them. Every minute we spend reading their documents is a minute of life that we wasted. Therefore, I only skim through them, which makes it difficult for me to figure out which of them are serious and which of them are sarcastic.

We must stop tolerating deception

A chef would be arrested if he were to secretly contaminate our food, and a man would be arrested if he were to put date rape drugs into a woman's drink, but we don't care if an organization, journalist, or government official provides us with "contaminated information".

No culture yet has any concern about the quality of information that we are being provided with. As a result, everybody is free to claim to be an "expert" in some political, economic, or social area, and to provide us with deceptive, idiotic, and confusing information in an attempt to exploit and manipulate us.

The lack of concern about the quality of information is also allowing "experts" and "fact checkers" to boast that they are protecting us from false information, sexism, racism, Holocaust denial, and other "hate speech", but who actually censor the truth and promote lies and false accusations.

Unless we make some radical changes to our leadership, and our attitudes towards information, we are going to continue being victims of criminals and their propaganda.

Criminals also fear brain scans

As of 2023, some people claim that they have developed AI software to determine the images that a person is seeing in his mind. This might eventually allow us to determine whether a person is lying, or maybe it will be able to read a person's memory to determine whether he has committed crimes.

Some of the people who are concerned about artificial intelligence might be concerned about this mind scanning technology.

Will artificial intelligence increase suicides?

In March 2023, a 31-year-old father in Belgium committed suicide. His wife and some other people are claiming that his suicide is the result of AI software. His wife says that he began using AI software two years earlier, and he began using it much more frequently about six weeks before he committed suicide. His wife said that he had mental problems, but she blames AI software for his suicide rather than his mental disorders.

That man did a lot of things during the final two years of his life, and we could pick any of the things to be the cause of his suicide. However, it is more sensible to require all people to be responsible for their behavior and decisions. A person who commits suicide made that decision by himself. Suicide is one of the most difficult decisions a person can make, and a computer program cannot overcome our incredible resistance to it.

Resist the urge to be submissive to experts

A lot of "experts" are trying to stop AI software, and we should consider that they are going to use suicides, unemployment, and everything else they can think of, to make us frightened of the software.

They might also try to frighten us with stories of idiots who hurt themselves or other people by using the software for medical advice, financial advice, marital advice, or advice on taking care of babies.

Try to resist the desire to get on your hands and knees and become submissive to "experts". Instead, pass judgment on whether an expert is truly providing intelligent and useful information, or whether he is trying to manipulate you.

“I and other prominent experts agree that artificial intelligence is out of control! It is spreading disinformation and causing suicides and unemployment! Our lives are in danger, and our future is bleak. We might have to use nuclear weapons to stop it!”